Company Profile

Company Information

Company Information


  1. General Information of East Coast Furnitech Public Company Limited


Company’s name in Thai:บริษัท อีสต์โคสท์เฟอร์นิเทค จำกัด (มหาชน)
Company’s name in English:East Coast Furnitech Public Company Limited (ECF)
Head Office Location:37/9, Moo 10, Banbueng – Klaeng Road, Thang Kwian Subdistrict, Klaeng District, Rayong Province, 21110 which is the Head Office used as a factory for the production and self-assembled furniture made of particleboard and MDF wood.
Branch Office Location
Branch 1:No. 29/1, Moo 3, Soi Chongko – Chunmnumnai, Wang Chan Subdistrict, Wang Chan District, Rayong Province, this branch is used as a factory for furniture manufacturing and assembly, sawmill for rubber wood and dried rubber wood, and production of foil paper using as a raw material furniture manufacturing
Branch 2:No. 25/28, Moo 12, Bueng Kham Phroi Subdistrict, Lam Luk Ka District, Pathum Thani Province 12150, this branch is used as a general management division and a warehouse.
Type of business:Manufacturer and distributor of self-assembled furniture made of particle board and MDF wood, rubber wood furniture, foil paper to be used in furniture manufacturing, production and distribution of dried rubber wood, distribution of furniture through websites, online platforms; and PVC trim cutting services, investment in solar power plant business, and agriculture and crop distribution business.
Registered company/ TAX ID:0107555000449
Date of registration :October 12, 1999 as the Limited Company Later as of October 18, 2012, the Company has registered and transformed into Public Company Limited and changed the name to East Coast Furnitech Public Company Limited (ECF).
Securities Symbol:ECF
Registered Capital:287,846,277 Baht
Which has been divided into 1,151,385,108 ordinary shares at a par value of 0.25 Baht per share
value of 0.25 Baht
Paid-up Capital:239,876,397.50 Baht
Which has been divided into 959,505,590 ordinary shares at a par value of 0.25 Baht per share
Telephone Number:+66 (0) 38-886-372-4 , (0) 2-152-7301-4
Fax Number:+66 (0) 38-678-220 , (0) 2-152-7305

Message from the chairman


          In 2023, Thailand saw a resurgence in its economy following the COVID-19 crisis, leading to the gradual restoration of business activities to full capacity. Despite notable progress in the latter half of the year, the economy remains susceptible to fluctuations, primarily driven by persistent geopolitical tensions such as the ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia, which have contributed to the escalation of oil prices. Many central banks worldwide have reacted by increasing interest rates to tackle surging inflation, posing another challenge for households and businesses in borrowing. The inflationary pressures and escalating living expenses have led to a worldwide economic deceleration. Nonetheless, the economic trajectory and investment environment are anticipated to ameliorate in the forthcoming year. China has implemented numerous strategies to invigorate various sectors of its economy, while India boasts the highest growth rate globally, promising to be a significant catalyst for the global economy.


          Despite facing numerous challenges, the management and functional teams at ECF have remained steadfast in their commitment to propel the business forward, ensuring sustainable profitability and meeting the expectations of customers, business partners, and stakeholders without falter.  Despite an unexpected fire incident in the second quarter of 2023, adhering to prevention and management principles for potential risks enabled ECF to effectively address and mitigate its impact on the business. Consequently, the damage was satisfactorily managed, positively influencing the overall business outlook.


          In 2023, the Company witnessed a downturn in its operational performance, with a total sales income of 1,374.50 million baht, marking at 3.13% decline from the previous year.


          However, the direction of sales income of the Company has started to increase from the third quarter to the fourth quarter, due to the growth of domestic customers. At the same time, the direction of exports has also started to good trend and is expected to grow until 2024 continuously.


          In 2023, the Company maintained its commendable performance in corporate governance, as evidenced by the “Corporate Governance Report of Thai Listed Companies 2023” issued by the Thai Institute of Directors, rating it as ‘Excellent’. Additionally, it achieved a perfect score of 100 points (5 coins) in the quality evaluation of the 2023 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM Checklist), conducted by the Thai Investors Association. Now, the Company has developed a development plan to expand the business and become a part of sustainable development in other aspects, including social and environmental aspects. The Company will plan the work, set indicators, and the Board of Directors will supervise and monitor the performance results to ensure that they are in accordance with the established plan.


          I extend heartfelt gratitude, on behalf of the Board of Directors, to the management team and all employees committed to working with unwavering determination. This includes our valued shareholders, customers, and business partners, as well as those who steadfastly support the Company’s endeavors. Each individual plays a vital role in propelling the Company’s resilience in navigating the challenges of 2023. We earnestly anticipate continued collaboration from everyone indefinitely.


          On this occasion, I would like to extend my heartfelt wishes to all and their families for abundant happiness, prosperity, continuous progress, wealth, and success in all endeavors.



On behalf of the Board of Directors

East Coast Furnitech Public Company Limited

General Terdsak Marom

Chairman of the Board

Message from Managing Director


          In 2023, it was another year where both consumers and businesses grappled with economic fluctuations and confronted diverse financial challenges in the global economy. Although Thailand managed to overcome the crisis of the COVID-19 pandemic, the nation’s economic and social landscapes continued to bear the brunt of the pandemic’s aftermath, compounded by the reverberations of the Ukraine-Russia conflict. This global upheaval contributed to a widespread economic deceleration, underscoring the interconnectedness of economies worldwide. In response to these circumstances, ECF has rigorously adapted its management strategies, conducting business with meticulous care and vigilance, while diligently monitoring performance to ensure alignment with the plan. This principle is pivotal, serving to mitigate disruptions, foster operational fluidity, and facilitate adaptive responses to diverse situations.


          However, from the perspective of the Company’s business, there remain several positive factors across various aspects that contribute to bolstering its revenue. This includes the acquisition of new customer segments in South Asia, the Middle East, and the ASEAN region, characterized by their substantial purchasing power, resulting in a consistent influx of orders from these significant markets, as expected by the Company. In addition, this is considered a good opportunity for the Company that China has canceled its shutdown policy, from which Thailand will greatly benefit. This action creates liquidity in the market and improves the overall economy in Thailand. Furthermore, the Company has also released new products to complement and increase its income.


          Partly as mentioned above, ECF has implemented strategies and goals that are continuously adjusted. Overall, the Company was still able to generate income from sales in 2023, and total income slightly decreased by approximately 3% compared to the previous year. This occurred during a time when every country in the world experienced the crisis of war, the economy, and the rising cost of living in 2022.


         With the concept of Sustainable Development, including the notion of “Heading to a bright future,” the crucial aspect is adjusting to handle any form of external factors that may arise and dealing with the situations that occur. Determination, intention, plans, inspections, monitoring, comprehensive risk planning, and a strong team are essential factors that will enable ECF to progress towards a bright future.


          I would like to extend my gratitude for the cooperation of executives and employees, the understanding of business partners, the trust of customers, and the strong support from all stakeholders. These contributions enable the Company to face challenges with unity and overcome them together each time. ECF is committed to conducting business with honesty and integrity, with the aim of creating added value for all stakeholders. We are responsible for conducting business across every value chain, thus furthering our journey towards sustainable growth together.



Mr. Phacharathanaphong Suksawat

Managing Director


Board of Directors


From left to right


1. Mr.Paiboon Aroonprasobsuk Independent Director
2. Dr. Ekarin Vasanasong Independent Director
3. Assoc.Prof. Songklod Jarusombat Independent Director
4. Assoc.Prof.Dr. Montree Socatiyanurak Chairman of the Audit Committee and Independent Director
5. General Terdsak Marom Chairman of the Board/Independent Director
6. Mr. Chalee Suksawad Vice Chairman
7. Mr. Wanlop Suksawad Director
8. Mr. Arak Suksawad Director

Audit Committee


From left to right

1. General Terdsak Marom Audit committee and Independent Director
2. Assoc.Prof.Dr. Montree Socatiyanurak Chairman of the Audit committee and Independent Director
3. Assoc.Prof. Songklod Jarusombat Audit committee and Independent Director

Risk Management Committee


From left to right

1. Mr. Chalee Suksawad Risk Management Committee
2. Assoc.Prof. Songklod Jarusombat Risk Management Committee and Independent Director
3. Assoc.Prof.Dr. Montree Socatiyanurak Chairman of the Audit committee and Independent Director
4. Mr. Arak Suksawad Risk Management Committee

Nominating Committee


From left to right

1. Mr. Chalee Suksawad Nomination Committee
2. Assoc.Prof. Songklod Jarusombat Chairman of the Nomination Committee and Independent Director
3. Mr. Arak Suksawad Nomination Committee

Remuneration Committee


From left to right

1. Mr. Chalee Suksawad Remuneration Committee
2. Assoc.Prof.Dr. Montree Socatiyanurak Chairman of Remuneration Committee and Independent Director
3. Mr. Arak Suksawad Remuneration Committee

Board of Executive Directors


From left to right


1. Mr. Chalee Suksawad Executive Committee
2. Mr. Somporn Chitphentom    Chairman of Executive Committee
3. Mr. Arak Suksawad Executive Committee

Management Team


From left to right


1. Mr. Poramedcharapol  Chinnuvat                  Assistant Managing Director (Branch 2)
2. Ms. Suphak Toaphonganan Assistant Managing Director (Branch 1)
3. Mr. Attaphol Tanapol Assistant Managing Director (Head Office)
4. Mr. Pacharatanapong Suksawad Managing Director
5. Miss Pachanan Singphu Assistant Managing Director and Act for Accounting and Financial Director (Chief Financial Officer)

Company secretary And investor relations

Miss Sarisa Thongkittikul Company Secretary and Investor Relations

Credit Rating

Type of CreditRating AgencyCredit RatingRating OutlookIssue DateDownload
Company RatingTRISBB-Stable19 July 2023Download
Company RatingTRISBBStable27 July 2022Download
Company RatingTRISBB+Stable30 July 2021Download
Company RatingTRISBB+Stable23 July 2020Download
Company RatingTRISBB+Stable14 August 2019Download
Company RatingTRISBB+Stable25 July 2018Download
Company RatingTRISBBStable19 June 2017Download

ECF CSR Social Activities

The company is awareness. That will raise awareness about sharing in an organization culture focusing on promoting employees with public mind creating happiness through being a giver. To be a part of creating a better society for the present. This is why it is a project activity to deliver happiness to society and happiness to employees from being a giver.